Practice. Drill. Rehearse.

Practice. Drill. Rehearse.

“It’s not necessarily the amount of time you spend at practice that counts; it’s what you put into the practice.” … Eric Lindros (professional ice hockey player)

One of the most valuable tools we provide our workshop participants is an introduction to a Client Engagement Process (CEP). This critical process is overlooked in many Business Development systems. The 4 phase CEP that we teach covers the tactical details on how to structure dialogue and interactions with clients or prospects. It is an extremely efficient and effective process for securing validated, high value, human intelligence. Additionally, it offers a method of validating the data, information and knowledge necessary to qualify or disqualify an opportunity early in an engagement and shape revenue opportunities.

Of particular importance is Phase 2, which focuses on the development and refinement of scripted dialogue, particularly questions to be asked during the call. It’s through asking these questions that you validate data, information and knowledge. However, scripting your questions is only part of this phase. Though it’s a critical first step, it’s actually the practicing, drilling and rehearsing of a script that separates the amateur from the professional.

Professionals always invest time upfront to practice, drill and rehearse the call. Amateurs spend the same amount of time after the call trying to understand what went wrong.

One of the greatest fears most people have is public speaking. A wise mentor once explained that being good at public speaking entails primarily two things. First, is the humility to prepare. Second is having the guts to pull it off. The real professional drafts their questions and practices their dialogue as part of their call plan prior to engaging the prospect.